Scott petrucci, chfc

The 9-Box

Scott Petrucci's Boxy is a 3x3 box with cartoon hands and feet and a small smile! His body is square and white with white hands and yellow shoes that have green shoelaces.

The 9-Box

Scott offers a unique 9-Box Asset Allocation Summary that you may want to consider putting yourself and your family on an organized path towards financial independence. 

You can have all your family’s financial assets organized on a simple, single page with personalized quarterly advice on how to manage it. 

Consider “Hatching Your 9-Box” today!

What does “Hatching a Simpler Life” entail?

Early on, Scott found that the software tools planners use to create plans for clients can be very complex. Clients struggled to comprehend their own financial journey. He would see clients begin to ‘nod off’ when reviewing their own plans from information overload.

Therefor to simplify the data, Scott created a tool that is unique to the planning industry, “The 9-Box”.

The “9 – Box Asset Allocation Summary” was first used in 1992. It organizes all of a client’s assets, no matter where those funds are managed, on a single- page.

Anyone who “hatches” the “9-Box” system, as a financial planning tool, becomes honest to the relationship between their financial behaviors and their financial risk tolerance. It removes emotion from financial decisions. It is simple.

This “9-Box” process is hand – crafted, in- house, on a quarterly basis, from client submitted data and knowledge of what is managed by Scott’s firm. Each quarter, a personal letter is sent to clients advising them of any specific behavioral change needed to the portfolio to stay within mutually agreed risk targets. Each advisor within the firm uses the “9-Box”.

No one in the financial planning industry provides such a unique tool.

Meet with Scott soon to have your own “9-Box” created and begin to simplify your life.

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