Scott petrucci, chfc

The Legacy of Love

The Legacy of Love

What is the Legacy of Love?

Another completely unique planning tool Scott developed to simplify the second half of a client’s life is “The Legacy of Love”. We invite you to experience the seven steps to this planning tool.

A series of steps

As a diligent planner in your life's assets and treasures,

you’ve hatched a respectable nest egg. Most people want to assure that their life’s work is preserved for themselves and their partner, the next generation, and/or charitable intention. we believe that there is a series of steps to accomplish what reverently call: A LEGACY OF LOVE.

With over 30 years of planning for clients, we have observed that as a client approaches financial independence and the joys of retirement, their planning concerns continue. Is it: how to help a child in need? Not leaving a spouse in a financial pinch after a long illness? Or, on the other hand, maximizing the value of ones estate? These actions define one’s legacy. What will your legacy be? Our process helps you define that legacy.  

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What is your legacy?

Ralph Mazzuoccolo is currently administering this program. Contact us to learn more and schedule your initial Legacy of Love meeting.